Cryptocurrency Fund FAQs
  1. What is the minimum amount I can invest?

    • The minimum amount is 5 million KRW/5,000 USD/5,000 euros/5,000 GBP.

  2. How long should I invest?

    • The minimum period is one month. After that, you can terminate the investment any time (I will return the investment at the end of the month). However, if you want to enjoy the power of compounding returns, I suggest you to leave the investment as long as possible.

  3. How much can I earn?

    • This is a difficult/impossible question to answer. I cannot guarantee a certain return. All we can do is to guess based on the past performance. The strategy earned 4000% in 2020 (backtest) and +90% in real trading since 6th February until now (18th February). My extremely conservative guess would be 100% per annum but the probability of earning 1,000% is nontrivial. However, you should also remember that the probability of losing everything is also positive.

  4. What is the fee?

    • There is no management fee, but only a performance fee proportional to the net capital gain. Therefore, you pay the fee only when you earn.

  5. How do I know how much I earn?

    • Investment performance is reported in the Investor Menu on this website. I will provide you with your login ID and password by email.

  6. I am not in Korea, can I still invest?

    • It depends on where you reside. I trade in Binance and if you have a means to transfer your money to my Binance account, you can invest.

    • In Korea, you can invest with KRW. I’ll transfer it to my Binance account.

    • In EU, you can transfer money to my Binance account directly from your bank account using SEPA protocol.

    • If you already have coins in an exchange, you can buy Bitcoins and transfer them to my Binance account.

    • In countries where you cannot transfer money to a Binance account, you can buy Bitcoins in a local cryptocurrency exchange (if any), and transfer them to my Binance account.

  7. Isn’t this a scam? How am I protected?

    • Currently, there is no legal means to protect you 100% apart from the contract. I started this as a family & friends fund for those who trust me. If you have any doubt, you should not invest. I plan to officially open an online investment platform (hopefully) later this year. It will be equipped with better means to protect the investors. If you are worried, you can wait until then.